Altazar Rossiter Eendaagse Workshops

Living Your Soul’s Frequency

LIVING YOUR SOUL’S FREQUENCY ~ HET LEVEN VAN JE ZIELSFREQUENTIE is het proces van je steeds verder openen voor de intelligentie van de ziel, voorbij de conditionering en programmering van conventionele standaard.

Dit roept je tot commitment om trouw te blijven aan jezelf, ongeacht hoe dat eruitziet en koste wat het kost. Hoe groter de weerstand naar deze commitment, hoe ongemakkelijker het leven veelal wordt.

Hoe iemand tot deze commitment komt, maakt deel uit van ieders persoonlijke proces. Soms verschijnt het als een plotselinge inspiratie, maar het manifesteert zich vaak geleidelijk – soms gaan er jaren overheen van weten dat er dingen moeten veranderen.

Timing is volledig individueel. Maar wanneer het tijd is, dan weet je het.

It is not possible to solve the deeper problems in life
at the level of consciousness where they were created

Wil je je potentie als mens aanspreken? Meld je dan aan voor de 1-daagse training van Altazar Rossiter.

Vaak, afhankelijk van de behoefte van de groep, gaan de workshops verder dan je persoonlijke blokkades en komen we in contact met het collectief bewustzijn. Het bewustzijn dat een grote invloed op ons leven heeft zonder dat we het direct zien.

*Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Altazar Rossiter. En zal in het Engels zijn*


  • ben je gedesillusioneerd geraakt in de voor jou beschikbare opties om je ware aard tot uiting te brengen, in de wereld zoals je die kent.
  • ben je ogenschijnlijk succesvol en innerlijk failliet, houd je de schijn op met weinig oprechte motivatie.
  • ben je je bewust van de verschillende lagen van ontkenning en zelfonderdrukking die je hoog houdt om een schijn van evenwicht in je dagelijkse leven te handhaven.
  • vind je het steeds moeilijker om het innerlijke conflict tussen je dagdagelijkse realiteit en je innerlijke waarheid te dragen.
  • ben je klaar om te verkennen wie je bent buiten het conventionele wereldbeeld, in alignement met wat je voelt als je innerlijke waarheid.
  • voel je een nadrukkelijke behoefte om bij te dragen aan de algehele expansie van het menselijk bewustzijn.
  • nodigt je ziel je uit om haar frequentie te leven en je ware zelf te zijn.


Over Altazar

Onder de vlag van de Bridgeman wordt deze workshop gefaciliteerd door Dr. Altazar Rossiter.

Altazar is een groot meester, een fantastische energiewerker, coach en wijsheidsleraar. Hij beschikt over de intuïtieve gave om je onbewuste, saboterende blokkades aan het licht te brengen, zodat ze je niet langer persoonlijk en professioneel in de weg zitten. Doordat hij volledig in zijn kracht staat, stelt hij je in staat om je wonden die deze blokkades veroorzaakt hebben, te transformeren. Iedereen bezit deze spirituele intelligentie. Door Altazar kom je ermee in contact en kun je er zelf mee leren werken. Je brengt aan het licht wat in het onbewuste duistere verborgen ligt. Je wordt in staat gesteld om jezelf te bevrijden van datgene wat je al tijden met je meedraagt. Karmische pijnstukken, pijnstukken die je geërfd hebt van je voorouders of programmeringen die je niet langer dienen.

Over de eendaagse workshop

Deze workshop biedt een specifieke beoefening om intentioneel de intelligentie van de ziel uit te nodigen je op bewust niveau te informeren.

Dit is een proces van zelfempowerment, omdat je open staat om te weten wat je als levenservaring kiest. Het stelt je in staat nauwkeurig te bepalen wat kloppend is om te veranderen en wat kloppend is om mee te blijven leven … en te weten dat je daadwerkelijk kiest.

Een verdere beoefening/protocol zal gedeeld worden om de cyclus van slachtofferbewustzijn los te laten, welke gecreëerd zijn door het leven binnen frequentiebeperkende culturele conventies. In de workshop zal ook ingaan worden op de schuld en schaamte die ontstaan door het verlaten van die culturele conventies.

Elke workshopgroep die samenkomt, is uniek. Dit maakt dat verschillende issues naar boven zullen komen, als resultaat van het actief meedoen vanuit de intentie van de workshop. Deze issues worden organisch aangepakt zoals ze zich voordoen, in overeenstemming met de groepsenergieën en het veld dat we samen creëren.

Dit is een avontuur van het bewustzijn. De uitwerking is on-going.

Praktische informatie

Er is een maximaal aantal toelaatbare deelnemers per dag. Workshops van Altazar zitten vaak ver voorafgaand aan de workshop al volgeboekt. Dus meld je direct aan!

Data 2024
12 mei 2024
30 juni 2024
8 september 2024

Locatie:  Isis Sofia in Dalfsen
Tijden: van 9.00 (inloop 9.00 uur, start 9.30 uur) – circa 17.00 uur
Prijs: 197,- inclusief BTW (inclusief thee & lunch)
Note: de voertaal van de workshop is Engels.


LET OP: de groepen hebben een max aantal deelnemers (24). Is het volgeboekt? Stuur dan een mail naar en wij plaatsen jou op de wachtlijst. Wil je aansluiten bij de opleiding en moet je eerst een basisworkshop volgen? Contact ons dan, want wij hebben meestal een reserveplaats vrij

Energetisch werk heeft invloed op je lichaamstemperatuur. Wij adviseren je daarom om extra warme sokken mee te nemen, in laagjes te kleden en indien mogelijk een fleecedeken mee te nemen.

Om 9.00 uur is de ontvangst en om 9.30 uur vangt het programma aan. Zorg dat je tijdig aanwezig bent. Wij verwachten rond 17.00 uur af te ronden.

Meer weten over Altazar Rossiter?
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Over de methode

“The experiential workshops facilitated by Altazar are intended to support you to grow into yourself in ways that are relevant for you. They can be joyfully enlightening. They also have a depth that takes time to be fully realised.
They sometimes trigger levels of self-reflection that are quite uncomfortable. They can highlight where there is a lack of integrity in the lives we lead and in various personal interactions.
Because of this it is recommended that you consider your readiness for this kind of experience. Consider also that these workshops are part of an on-going process of personal exploration.  You should be prepared to source further professional support, if required.  There is particular concern if you are currently using any medication for mental\emotional support. Such medication generally suppresses feelings, which means you will be disadvantaged in the session.
Any history of psychological or mental\emotional instability that required prescribed medication, is a contra-indication for joining the workshop. If in doubt, you should contact the Bridgeman Academy to check suitability. Booking a place on Altazar’s workshops is confirmation that you understand these conditions, and take personal responsibility for your well-being.”


We are vibration in nature and sound is vibration. Altazar intuitively and elegantly employs music and the spoken word as protocols to enable us to connect intimately with ourselves in deep self-disclosure. It’s like sitting in an energetic stew; ultimately held in a space of safety, support, acceptance and love. This is the Altazar Method.
A.W. (UK)


Thank you for another great workshop. I find it quite incredible how different I feel now compared with 6 months ago, much happier, content in myself. It’s wonderful,
I feel rather lucky to be where I am now and I want to keep exploring.
L.A. (Dublin)


Many thanks for a really profound experience. I was so pleased I was able to get in touch and express some of my deep feelings and you very much helped me to do it.
B.C. (UK)


I engaged with ‘360 degree self-inquiry’ over several years, and during those decades I tried just about every therapy or self-help tool. I made contact with many dubious practitioners, cults, tricksters and gurus – as well as a handful of genuine miracle workers – and Altazar is top of this latter category. This is not flattery, but my truth.
P.W. (UK)


If you want profound breakthroughs in your psychological, emotional and personal development Altazar is the perfect guide and facilitator. He has a unique gift especially in his work with groups. I have not been to a workshop yet that does not prove to be fascinating and transformational.
A.B. (UK)


There are many many personal development coaches out there, so why have I personally found Altazar so impressive? … Altazar has an innate ability to help you get to the route of your problem and get past it in the most efficient and effective way, whilst allowing you to make lasting changes. He will push you if you need it whilst being immensely supportive. His knowledge of his subject and professional integrity are outstanding and he most definitely practices what he preaches! I have total respect for the work Altazar does and the manner in which he conducts himself.
N.S. (UK)


Altazar Rossiter holds a very special and mature healing field in which unresolved trauma, surface patterns and spontaneous regressions will pop up and transform. He has a very deeply aligned but simple and humble wisdom to support the process within his field. He has a way of working with Spirit and Spirit has a way of working with him. I have seen people re-live past life experiences and die their past deaths in his sessions in ways that re-integrate who they are now in the present. I was actually one of these more than once. If you wish to transform your rubbish and traumas to create room for the incarnation of your own higher self, I suggest you join one of Altazar’s Intensive trainings. Highly recommended!
R.B. (Netherlands)


I have huge respect for Altazar. He is clear, strong, focused, very experienced in self-development, (with a more unusual approach) with has a rare level of integrity that I trusted within minutes of meeting him. For me, and for the group, he used his intution, intention, centeredness and voice to get to the core of the issue, and for some substantial emotional and quite profound healing to take place. The emotion has never returned with the same intensity. I would say that he can do in a very short amount of time what many other would people take months to achieve.
J.W. (UK)


Whilst I have worked extensively on my personal and spiritual development over many years, there always seems to be more work to do and a call, in one form or another, to raise my consciousness. I first found out about Altazar at just the right time to support me in progressing beyond a tricky patch of “stuckness” that I had not been able to understand or shift on my own. I am a coach myself and have experienced coaching from many other coaches. What Altazar offers in the form of consciousness coaching seems to go beyond coaching convention and technique and I have a sense that this is where coaching wants to develop in this time of turmoil and increasing spiritual awareness. Not only does Altazar support me in my personal and spiritual development through this approach, but I’ve found that my connection and presence with my coaching clients benefits enormously from my time spent on the phone and in correspondence with him. I would also thoroughly recommend reading, and working with, his book.
S. L. (UK)


If you are looking for a facilitator who can hold a firm and clear space of light so whatever shadow forms feels welcome to be transformed, call this totally unassuming master. He does it with grace and trust, and a very fine intuition for the right music.
In the course of our work effective group sizes ranged from individual work to 20 to 250, from diverse continents and nationalities. Many of his trainees have become very effective facilitators and coaches, all of their very own specific brand (no cloning).
Totally real, he ´lives´ spiritual intelligence, energetically clean and well developed intuitively AND academically, having the keen mind serve the deeper process …
My gratitude for our working together is deeper than I’ve ever experienced in hiring and working with many trainers over many years, they were all good, but Altazar is top.
Plays a fine jazz guitar too!
C.K. (Netherlands)


Altazar is an excellent coach and facilitator. In his group I had a chance to experience his sensitivity to each and every person’s invisible issues and his flexible approach within the context of the group, in order to give maximum attention and “healing” to every participant. I also highly enjoyed his gentle humour and “wordless guidance” in some seriously difficult situations. He contributed a great deal to my personal development in a nice, supportive way.
P.H. (Hungary)


Altazar is an extraordinary person. He has developed processes which can transform your life. His approach is radical but he makes it so logical and obvious that you trust him implicitly. If there seem to be obstacles in your path that no amount of previous effort has managed to remove – go and see Altazar!
A.H. (UK)


Experiencing one of Altazar’s workshops allowed me to move on and grow as a person. I am now able to handle much bigger things in my life.
T.G. (Sweden)


Altazar has a magical ability to create a safe space to enable deep rooted beliefs and judgments to be healed. It’s the most liberating experience as you feel the shackles fall away and get that tantalizing glimpse of your own power and true potential.
G.G. (UK)


I want to thank you for the time you set aside to respond with wisdom to my enquiring mind and ‘info dumping’. Your responses assisted me in ‘staying on the road’. You have helped me ‘blast’ some stuff (debris) from the past, and I trust we will be able to do some more. I wonder sometimes if you really understand what a major shift you have assisted me with.
Z.W. (South Africa)


I was happy to have been given an opportunity to participate in a workshop conducted by Dr Altazar Rossiter. He is a rare, supportive and friendly presence who is able to facilitate a clear self-look at what may be deeply buried in the heart and hidden from the usual rational consciousness. Highly recommended.
R.R. (Canada)

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