Light Body Activation Ceremony – Merkaba

Jouw ziel wordt gedragen door een energiestructuur die eeuwig in beweging is, dwars door de beperkingen van tijd en ruimte heen. Jouw merkaba, oftewel lichtlichaam. Activeer jij deze energie? Dan verander jij je bewustzijn. Je geeft je ziel alle ruimte om zich optimaal te manifesteren in je lichaam. Maar wat betekent dit voor jou?

Wanneer jij je merkaba activeert, voel je jezelf en je energiesysteem steeds fijngevoeliger aan. Je blijft hierdoor dichter bij wie je in de kern bent. Weet steeds beter wat in lijn ligt met je Zelf: voelt steeds sterker aan met welke universele krachtvelden je te maken hebt. Hoe deze invloed uitoefenen op jou en je energiesysteem.

De kennis en fijngevoeligheid die je activeert tijdens de merkaba workshop maakt dat je beter in staat bent om te gaan met wat je op je pad tegenkomt. Maar het gaat dieper dan dit.

Wil jij meer weten over merkaba en wat je mag verwachten als je de volle verantwoordelijkheid neemt over je eigen energiesysteem? Lees dan verder.

Altazar Rossiter Merkaba

MERKABA is a Hebrew word that roughly translates as vehicle or chariot of light:

Mer-Ka-Ba ~ Light-Spirit-Body.

Your MERKABA, or Lightbody, is a coherent multi-dimensional energy structure that functions as a vehicle for the soul. It facilitates trans-dimensional movement into a physical body (incarnation) and by extension, supports personal autonomy.

This training is facilitated by Altazar Rossiter PhD, teacher within the Bridgeman Academy.
Altazar is a great master, a fantastic energy worker, coach and wisdom teacher. He has the intuitive gift of exposing your unconscious, sabotaging blocks, so that they no longer stand in your way personally and professionally. Because he is fully in his power, he enables you to heal from the wounds that caused these blocks.

Everyone possesses spiritual intelligence, through Altazar’s work you can engage with it for yourself. You bring to light what was hidden and living unconsciously in the dark. You are enabled to free yourself from limitations that you have carried through lifetimes and those that you have inherited from your ancestors, and from programming that no longer serves you.
Altazar is the author of two books ‘Developing Spiritual Intelligence’ and ‘Partnering with Spiritual Intelligence’

Merkaba Concept

There are many explanations and descriptions of the MERKABA to be found in various writings. Most of those have some degree of congruence, as they are largely derived from the same sources. However, an ultimate reliable everyday kind of reference is missing.

According to some, knowledge of the MERKABA formed part of the training in the ancient mystery schools. Awareness of the MERKABA is therefore well outside the conventions of everyday reality, but it is inherent to the spiritual heritage of humankind.

The MERKABA is part of the esoteric Judeo-Christian tradition of the Kabbalah, but there are counterparts from other mystical backgrounds:

The Sri Yantra, from the Hindu tradition, has a clear resonance with the sacred geometries of the MERKABA.

The Tibetan concept of the Rainbow Body can also be interpreted as identifying the same kind of phenomenon.

More information about these similarities will be shared and explored during the workshop.


The principle of the activation offered in this workshop is the vibration of Love: Universal Love i.e. Love for all there is, without judgement, prejudice or conditions.
The vibrational frequencies generated as Universal Love awakens within us resonates through the human energy field. This supports your field to reconfigure itself coherently rather than randomly.

Your field “remembers” how to align as you commit to embodying Universal Love within your bio-energy system. The external expression of love in your world follows automatically, without any direction from your mind or ideas of what it should look like.

The essence of this workshop is to provide you with a sound theoretical and practical basis for activating your MERKABA at will. And to keep it operational throughout your life.

As you get familiar with the structure of your MERKABA, it stabilises your fields so that you are less easily pulled off centre. When you are pulled out of your centre, it will become more noticeable.

With practice you will be able to regain your centre more and more easily. This facilitates greater emotional and mental stability in all situations.

Activating your MERKABA will not stop you making mistakes, however, and those you make may feel more intense than before.


  • Introduction to why Sacred Geometry is sacred, and its mathematical mystery.
  • Basic concept of the MERKABA or LIGHTBODY as a trans-dimensional vehicle and its relationship with the physical body.
  • Static and dynamic energetic structure of the MERKABA field
  • Principles of conscious MERKABA activation and preparation exercises
  • Principles of conscious breathing to empower MERKABA activation and intentions
  • Protocols to clear resistance to esoteric knowledge … and obstacles to activation of your MERKABA
  • MERKABA activation ceremony and protocol practice for continued activation
  • Potentials for programming your personal MERKABA with your intention
  • Practical steps for generating a high frequency group MERKABA using a structure called the LOVE TRANSMITTER [see note below].

Note: The LOVE TRANSMITTER as a functional energy tool emerged into consciousness early in 2020 through an international group comprising five other energy workers and myself. We met regularly throughout the crisis times to support the transition of human consciousness where we could. We continue meet on-line as an energetic support for humankind in general.

Altazar tells

Your MERKABA responds to the level of conscious awareness you operate at. That’s to say its operation is conditioned by your personal vibration and your sense of presence.

Your MERKABA also responds to your conscious intent. This means that your every intent has an impact. MERKABA activation, aligning and tuning is a practice of self-empowerment.

It’s not until a degree of detachment from the conventions of the realities we inhabit that the existence of the Merkaba is relevant. In deciding to activate your MERKABA you take responsibility for yourself in a radical way.

These factors greatly influence the ability to activate your MERKABA. So although this is not primarily a “clearing” type of workshop, some intentional protocols will be shared to address any obstacles that show up.

“The Merkaba ceremonial activation protocol was born from experiences I learned in 1996. At that time a detailed but heavy intellectual load was part of the deal.

“Since then I have become well aware of the importance of the Merkaba in the development of my own spiritual intelligence. This motivated me to find a way to provide an activation that recognizes the mystery of the Merkaba, yet makes it available in a simple practical form to support the awakening of human consciousness.

“What is being shared in this ceremonial workshop has grown out of the way I initially learned to activate my Merkaba and my consistent intent to develop simplified intuitive self-empowerment practices to share it with others.”


The language of instruction is in English.

Dates of this two day workshop:

Nieuwe data volgen

Location: Isis Sofia, Dalfsen

Time both days: 9.00 (welcome at 9.00h, start 9.30h) – around 17.30 uur

Costs: €495 including VAT.

Costs include:  Delicious lunches & drinks during the training days.

Read more about Altazar Rossiter? Go to

Dutch references

Angela: “Op 19 juni jl. ben ik aanwezig geweest bij de workshop “Merkaba activatie” van Altazar Rossiter.  Ik vond het prettig voor deze gelegenheid. Lekker veel tijd voor een mooie uitleg en uiteindelijk de activatie zelf. Ook tijd om een gyro-toestelletje rond te laten gaan en een merkaba van bergkristal. Ik vond het relaxed en heel erg de moeite waard. Ik ben blij dat ik geweest ben. Een aanrader.”

Fonny: “Het was een bijzondere workshop. Deze Altazar workshop ging niet over loslaten. Deze workshop is echt anders dan de anderen dagen met Altazar. Het gaat over je eigen energieveld neerzetten. En deze energie ten volle ervaren en leren gebruiken.

Eerlijk gezegd snapte ik er, bij het lezen van het toen vooraf toegestuurde document over de Merkaba geen ene biet van. Ik maakte me zorgen en dacht dat deze workshop toch echt te hoog gegrepen was voor mij.

Gelukkig heeft Altazar ons ’s morgens rustig meegenomen in zijn kennis over de Merkaba, en vielen heel langzaam wat puzzelstukjes op zn plek.

De oefeningen ’s middags, en het zetten van de Merkaba was echt bijzonder. Nooit eerder kon ik zoveel energie in mij, en om mij heen voelen. Het gaf een bijzonder gelukkig gevoel in mezelf. Dit ben ik!

De weken daarna heb ik elke dag de oefening gedaan en steeds meer voelde ik mijn eigen energie groeien. Het bleek ook makkelijker te zijn om bij mezelf te blijven. En negatieve invloeden buiten mezelf te houden. Ik heb een grote stap kunnen maken om de energie in mijn lichaam echt helemaal en overal te leren voelen en aanwezig te zijn in mezelf. In het centrum te zijn van mijn eigen unieke energie. Dankbaar!”

Deel dit!