Reading the Field & Holding the Space



21 and 22 January 2024

The intent of Supervision training weekend is to embrace the paradox of leading group processes from a place of surrender. This requires an understanding of energetic workings at all levels, through lived and embodied experience.

This training weekend supports you to ‘build more embodiment’ in leading your own groups and to trust yourself in the process. Whether you teach yoga, meditation, breath work, family constellations or another kind of group transformational process, it’s is an energetic skill and it takes practice.

You will be guided in allowing the energy to inform you … TO LEAD YOU … rather than operate from what you already know. This still requires you to take responsibility for being present and part of the process. It’s about owning your choices so you stay in alignment with yourself.

The programme is created to facilitate the following learning processes:
• Developing your ability to stay present as a facilitator in group energy and confusion
• Recognising how group energy flows and how your system responds
• Evolving your ability to stand in your own power / truth and operate from your zero point consciousness
• Deepening your own unique partnership with Spiritual / Universal / Divine Intelligence
• Opening up to and owning your unique path and wisdom as a facilitator
• Opening your system to generate the field for transformation to occur
• Trusting your ability to contribute [through your presence] without agenda or attachment to outcome
• Recognizing and working with the difference between teaching and facilitating


The intention of this training is to provide significant levels of growth in energetic awareness along with personal guidance and support.

Learning / Teaching pillars

  • Holding field/space for yourself and the group field
  • Reading group energy and noticing how individual and collective programming manifests


During the weekend sufficient support is provided to enable you to define your personal transformation edge as the foundation of your facilitation energy field. You will be guided to risk expressing totally intuitively and vulnerably – and dare be wrong.


All participants will have ventured into this arena of facilitating groups in some way, with a focus on energy transformation processes, even if only once.



De 2 dagen met Altazar, Rianne en een waanzinnig mooie groep hebben iets wezenlijks in mij geraakt. Wat precies, dat kan ik nu nog niet onder woorden brengen. ‘Holding Space & Reading the Field’ is niet zomaar een kunstje wat aan te leren is. Zoals ik het heb ervaren is het een innerlijke levenshouding waar ik 24/7 bewustzijn op laat schijnen. Op een voor mij vernieuwde wijze zijn we als groep naar binnen gekeerd, waar alle wijsheid eigenlijk al besloten ligt. Inclusief alle pijn die eveneens diep weggestopt ligt.

De inzichten die tot mij kwamen deze 2 dagen zijn nog aan hun landing bezig. Landen op een onontgonnen terrein in mij. Een terrein waar kwetsbaarheid ineens zoveel meer betekenis heeft gekregen. Een zin die mij heeft geopend is ‘If you keep fear outside, you lock yourself in’. Voor mij vergt het lef en zachtmoedigheid bepaalde angsten die ik vakkundig afweer met al mij patronen en mechanisme tóch toe te laten. Goed weggestopte angsten die mij (nog grotendeels) onbewust aansturen, in mijn bewustzijn heb te brengen. Holding space for myself, big time 🙂


This training is facilitated by Dr. Altazar Rossiter and Rianne Manten, both highly acclaimed and experienced faculty members of the Bridgeman Academy. The language of instruction is mainly in English.

About Altazar Rossiter

Altazar has been called a great master. He is an acclaimed energy worker, facilitator, coach and wisdom teacher. He has the intuitive gift of enabling you to expose your unconscious, sabotaging blocks, so that they no longer stand in your way personally and professionally. Because he fully and gently embraces the power of his own spiritual intelligence, he enables you to heal yourself from the invisible wounds that create those sabotaging blocks. Everyone possesses this spiritual intelligence, which you can learn to engage with for yourself through Altazar’s work. You are empowered through this intelligence to bring to light what was hidden and living unconsciously in the dark. You are enabled to free yourself from limitations that you have carried through lifetimes, those that you have inherited from your ancestors, and from programming that no longer serves you. Altazar is the author of two books: Developing Spiritual Intelligence [Spirituele Inteligentie in Dutch translation], and Partnering with Spiritual Intelligence.

Altazar Rossiter

About Rianne Manten

In the presence of Rianne, ‘being in process and going deep’ is the most natural thing in the world. You become aware of what is not authentic and inconsistent. Rianne sees, hears and feels what is happening in your system and reconnects you with your own strength, joy of life and essence. She reaches out in all her purity and without judgment a loving hand to let everything, light and dark, be there. She has lived the experience of ‘giving your power away’, which has taught her how to reclaim it and own it. She has a unique ability to identify the steps and phases of the transformation process, and share that accessibly. She is a powerful woman with a lot of life experience who guides you well in your inner process. Aimed at balancing the universal human shadow, the inner balance between masculine and feminine energy and sexual sacredness. From emotional dependence to integrity, truth, freedom and universal love.


Dates: 21 and 22 of January 2024

The costs for this training is Eur 639,- excluding VAT (EURO)

Including delicious lunches and coffee or thee.

The location is Isis Sofia, Dalfsen

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